Courses Catalog
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Frequently Asked Questions

GeneralLab Job BoardOrderingGroup OrderingCourse InformationFL LicenseesCEUs By StateCEUs By CertificationCEUs For Phlebotomy

Yes. We require at least 5 participants and a person to act as the educational coordinator for a group to be set up. The discounted cost depends on the number of participants and the package chosen. Please call for details at 561-775-4944.

You need a minimum of 5 people to form a group and place a group order.

The unique ID number assigned is referred to as a "Site Number". The site number assigned to your facility is unique to your location and is used for two reasons.

  • As a location identifier
  • As a discount identifier for your employees. It is extremely important that you use this site number on ALL correspondence with our office.

The Educational Coordinator is the acting liaison between CEUINC and their lab staff.

The responsibilities of the Educational Coordinator include the following.
  • Distributes appropriate enrollment forms to staff at the beginning of each new course cycle.
  • Places the order for the facility as a group.
  • Distributes course materials to participants once the order is fulfilled (Home Study formats).
  • Alerts staff of any changes and updates to the program as notified by CEUINC.

We offer group discounts for the following courses.

  • Comprehensive Online Subscription. (When you choose this package you are enrolled for 24 months.)

Phlebotomy Combo Courses
  • 6 Hour Phlebotomy Combo
  • 9 Hour Phlebotomy Combo
  • 14 Hour Phlebotomy Combo

Florida Combo Courses
  • Florida General Lab Combo
  • Florida Histology Combo
  • Florida Cytology Combo

Laboratory Combo Courses (non-Florida licensees)
  • General Laboratory Combo
  • Histology Combo

You have two options to create a new group.
  • Call our office at 561-775-4944 and we will create a new group for you.
  • Fill out the Register a New Group form and fax it to 561-775-4933.

Yes, we require at least 5 participants and a person to act as the educational coordinator for a group to be set up. The discounted cost depends on the number of participants and the package chosen. The average per person cost savings can range anywhere from $5 to $30 off each product. Please call 561-775-4944.for details.

We can also price match your current CEU packages, just ask us how. See the next FAQs for more details.

Yes. To request us to match a current quote from another Continuing Education vendor :

  • Send a copy of the quote along with this form and in most cases we can match the $ with a similar product.
  • Matched Pricing is for a similar PRODUCT / SERVICE when the FACILITY pays by check or credit card.
  • We apologize, but we cannot match pricing if participants are paying individually for their course packages.

You can choose to have your facility pay OR you can choose to have your staff pay individually.

FACILITY PAYS: When the facility pays we have flexible billing options. You can pay when the order is placed or we can invoice your facility. Payment can be made by credit card or by check.

EMPLOYEES PAY: Many sites opt for the employees to pay for their own continuing education. Please keep in mind that these employees do get to enjoy the cost savings extended to your facility. Employees can pay online with a credit or debit card or by check or credit card if a group order is mailed.

NOTE: You MUST have the Site # in your profile to receive the group discount. Your Educational Coordinator can add you to the group or they can give you a Registration Code to add to your profile, identifying you as a group member. If you don't have the Site # in your profile, you will not receive the discount extended to your group.

Version v2